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Group - How to invite external users

You can invite external users to join groups for the collaboration with external suppliers, customers or part-time workers. External users are not counted as billing users.

How to invite

After creating a group or finding a group, on the message page, click to invite users.

Targeted invitation by entering cell phone number and email address: invited users will receive SMS or email, click the link to sign up and join.

Permissions for external users

  • Chat: External users can only view the chat in the group.

  • Post: External users can't see posts made by internal colleagues to [all colleagues]. They can only view posts shared in this group, or posts that mention the group or mention him.

  • Project: If the user is not added as a project member, or the project is not public to his group, he can't see the project and the tasks under the project.

  • Task: External user can only see the tasks he is involved in, if there are subtasks, he can only see the name of the subtasks, not the details of the subtasks. If the external user is the task leader, he can see the subtask details.

  • Files: If the external user is not a member of the shared folder, he cannot see the files; conversely, he has permission to view them.

  • Application: Based on the role permission assigned to him.

If collaboration is done through one-to-one communication, internal users can just invite customers as friends. If it is a multi-person collaboration, you can create a group to invite.

How to invite as a friend:

[Contacts] > [Add Contacts] > [Personal contact].

Enter the invited user's cell phone number/email to search, and if he has already signed up, you can add him as a friend directly.

If he/she doesn't signed up, click [Invite] to send registration information to him/her, and he/she will be automatically added as a friend after registration.

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