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What can be posted

You can post an file, a link, a vote, a queation, etc.


As shown below, add images or documents that need to be uploaded when posting. Later, you can filter posts by image or document.

When posting, click the link icon to copy the URL to be shared into the text box, and you can instantly preview the thumbnail of the page.


When posting, click on the vote icon, complete options and you can attach an image to each option. Set the visible range and share range of this vote and finally post it. Set up to 99 options.

  • If it is an anonymous vote
    The person posting can only see the number of voters for each option, not the voter.
  • If it is not an anonymous vote
    Anyone can see the number of votes and voters.


You can post a question to ask a colleague for help. If the post ends with a question mark, it will be automatically recognized as a Q&A.

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