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Who is included in [All Members]?

In the platform, you can @all members or @all participants.

For example, all members of a record, all participants of a post, all members of a task, all members of a calendar, then who is included in All Members?

1. Most frequent collaborator

When you want to mention a member, or to add a member, the most frequent collaborators first appear in the list.

The most frequent collaborators are the users you mentioned and mentioned you most frequently in worksheet discussions, posts, and calendar discussions in the last 30 days, with a maximum of 20 most frequent collaborators. If there are no users that you mention or mention you frequently, then your supervisors and subordinates will appear in the most frequent collaborators list.

2. All participants of a record

In the discussion of a record, you can mention a user or all participants of the record.

Record participants include the owner of the record, users selected in the Members field, users who have posted comments, and users who have been mentioned. All of these users will be notified if you select to mention all participants of the record.

Below the participant's name is their role (name in the members field, owner, discussion, etc.)

As shown below, the circled users will be notified:


As shown below, if [For data storage only] is checked when setting the field (the Members control), the user selected in this field will not be included in all participants (If the selected user is also the owner of the record, a member of the record, or posted in the discussion, he or she will still be included in all participants).

3. All participants of a post

All participants of a post include the user mentioned in the post, users in the group mentioned, users who have replied to the post, users mentioned in the reply and users in the group mentioned in the reply.

As shown below, if you mention all participants of the post, the circled users will be notified:

4. All members of a task

In the comments of a task, if you mention all members of the task, the task owner and task members will be notified.

As shown below:

5. All members of a calendar

If you mention all members of a calendar, all participants will receive the notification.

As shown below, the circled users will be notified:

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