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View - Map

The map view is created based on the positioning field and displays the coordinates visually on the map. Through the map view, the user can get the location information quickly. In addition, custom configurations such as label colors, displaying more fields, and setting covers are also supported.

Create Map View

  1. Click the [New View] button and select [Map].

  2. Select a positioning field to display the records in the map view, up to 200 records.


Only the card settings in the map view are described here. Other settings such as filtering, sorting, color, custom actions, etc., are consistent with that in the grid view.

The record card refers to the card information showed when the mouse is over the coordinates.

The settings are as follows:

  • Summary

    Select a long text field and it can display up to 3 lines.

  • Display Fields

    You can set which fields are displayed in the card and they can be sorted.

    You can set whether the field name is displayed in the card.

  • Cover

    Display the image in the card as the cover, which can be displayed on the left or right side of the field. There are four display mode of the image: fill in, full display, circle and rectangle.

  • Label Color

    For label colors, you can set it to light, dark, and dynamic colors.

    If it is a dynamic color, you need to select a single-select field, and the label color is displayed as the color of the option.


  1. In the map, it displays the coordinates of up to 200 records, and if there are more than 200 records in the view, the first 200 are displayed as the order in the view.

  2. The map is automatically zoomed in or out according to the coordinates, so that a more detailed map is displayed when all the coordinates are displayed.

  3. It is based on Amap, for foreign addresses, it can not display city and street information.

  4. To display more fields in the label, splice the desired fields together and set it as the title field.

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