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Trigger Mode – Trigger by Worksheet

If this, the workflow will always monitor a worksheet and automatically execute the set series of actions once there are data changes in the worksheet.

Every automated workflow needs a trigger to be initiated. It is the first node of the workflow, so it is called the trigger, or the trigger node.

For such a workflow, you need to configure the following: the monitored worksheet, the triggering method, and the triggering conditions.

Worksheet: Select a worksheet and the trigger will monitor the data in this worksheet. Once there are data changes, the workflow will be triggered.

Ways to Trigger: What kind of changes can trigger the workflow? Add records? Modify records? Delete records?

Triggering Condition: Filter the data that meets the conditions to enter the workflow.

As set in the figure below:

  1. Select the monitored worksheet.

  2. Set how the workflow to be triggered.

  3. Set the filter.

Ways to trigger the workflow

There are 4 ways to trigger the workflow.

1. When creating or updating records

Select the fields to be monitored and the workflow will be triggered only when the selected fields are modified. You can select multiple fields. If no target field is selected, the workflow is triggered for any additions or changes in the worksheet.

2. Only when creating records

The workflow is triggered when a new record is added.

3. Only when updating records

The workflow is triggered when a record is modified.

4. When deleting records

The workflow is triggered when a record is deleted.

Triggering conditions

For example, set it to allow only orders with an amount greater than 1000 to enter the approval flow.

Introduction to field filtering

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